Top tips for living in a house share

If you're about to move into a house share for the first time and need some advice, we have your back! Take a look at our top tips and you'll be ready to conquer living in a house share...

It's fair to say that house shares are becoming more and more popular in the UK and not just with students, professionals are using this as their first step onto the property ladder. With lower costs and unique experiences, demand for house shares in Newcastle are becoming much higher. 

Optimise your space and become a minimalist 

If you're moving into an unfurnished shared house in Newcastle, trying to buy furniture with dual purposes is key. For example, a bed with storage drawers underneath could be a massive help. If your new house is furnished, a quick trip to IKEA and a few boxes and tubs later and you'll have a similar solution. De-cluttering and following the rules of a minimalist can help make the space bigger and more comfortable and homely to hang out in.  

Get to know each other!

We don't think there is anything worse than a house full of people who don't get on, it's so important to build a bond with your new housemates. After all, you will be living with them for at least a year. Exchange numbers and go for a coffee before you all move in, so that there is no awkwardness in the first couple of days. You never know, you may get a life long friendship out of it. 

Get on top of your utility bills

At Seekers we work with a company called One Utility Bill, these guys help you split your bills evenly and hassle free. This way there are no arguments or squabbles over who pays what when you all move in.

Set up a plan for house work

We think that the easiest way to conquer this issue is to clean and tidy as you go, so you're not left with a big mess to deal with when you really can't be bothered. Being pro-active can keep the house clean at all times and again, avoid squabbles over mess and clutter.

Come up with a food plan

Pinching someones food is never a good idea, we really don't recommend you do that! Why not allocated a "free shelf" where you keep the communal food such as bread, milk, sugar, and spices and you can chip into a kitty to make sure they're always stocked up. You can then all have allocated cupboards where you keep all your own food.

Be a considerate housemate

When living with other people, it's important to make sure that you're being a considerate housemate and consider their wellbeing. This means that you should be aware of making too much noise during the early hours of the morning, and later on at night. Not only this, but you should also take into consideration any differences in lifestyle; some people enjoy playing music, some like having gatherings with friends, some prefer to keep to themselves. Whatever your choice, be wary of the other people around you.

If you have any questions or concerns about moving into your new house share, please contact your Property Supervisor at